My Evening Yoga Routine

Saturday, 30 January 2016

I don't have a strict evening yoga routine at all, instead,  I like to practice yoga as an when I feel like it, but most of the time it tends to be in the evening before dinner.

After a long day at my desk or out and about at lectures or what not, it can be so rewarding to come home roll out my mat and do a little bit of yoga.

So I thought I would write a post on how I set up my room for a some lovely evening yoga!

 Lights out, lamps on & candles lit

 I absolutely love setting the mood for my yoga practice. I feel that I get so much more out of yoga when I practice in a relaxing environment.

I like to turn the main lights off and switch on some lamps and light a scented candle as well as my rose quartz tea light holder. I just find that this is the perfect setting for an evening yoga routine!

Play music

My favourite music to practice yoga to is traditional Indian yoga music and you can't really go wrong with a Spotify playlist!

I love playing music because I find that it helps me to focus on my practice, as well as keeping my mind clear and worry free.

Make some tea

Something that I have been loving recently is making a cup of 'night time' Yogi Tea and drinking it on my mat once I have finished my yoga practice.

 I tend to make it beforehand and let it cool whilst I am doing some restorative yoga. Once I have finished yoga I sit on my mat and sip my tea and do a kind of tea mediation and I simply love it!

I hope that you liked this super short post! Please share some of your routine tips in the comments below!

Much love,
Lizzie xx

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